By now everyone in New England knows that I am
far from a Patriots fan....but there is one is one Pat that has all my respect and admiration....
Brandon Merriweather!
Now, in my mind he's not really a Pat since he is first and foremost from The U! He will always be a Cane in my eyes. He is
such a G!! He's my college football hero! I wouldn't be all nice like Tebow.... I would be
stomping bitches! I'm not just saying that because I know he could merc me
and my hulk gloves ..... I'm also not being even slightly sarcastic. If I were a wearing the orange and green I would want to BE him! Compared to him I feel like such a herb!
Case in point, and all y'all Patriots can vibe on this too... Keep your eye on #19 and watch that footwork.....