Monday, August 10, 2009

I've been at the Beach

I am easily distracted, I admit it.

After Time Warner Cable called my bluff (during a heated standoff in regards to the NFL Network and why I deserve to have it for free...) I lost my wireless it's summer and from what I hear that is a rare thing in the frozen tundra and I should milk it for all it's worth...

My days have been filled with bikinis, roadies to Montreal, free agency related freak outs, good times on the red and, of course, a good ole Tony Danza here and there..

However, the two most important sports in the world, Tackle Football and Hockey, are almost back. Which means I will once again need this blog to pour my over enthusiasm and extreme uninformed bias into.

Faking a Roughing will be taking a slightly different direction. Less of the girlie 'buy-me-stuff' schtick and more sports related content....with all the same under-dressed/over-enthusiastic Aries charm, natch.

Plus, my new Sabres jersey should make me a shoo-in to get on Sick Jersey, Bro.
Trust me, it's pretty sad.

favorites links, as of today, and as always...

Ballers with Randoms
LOL Jocks
7th Floor Blog
Maine Hockey Journal
Sabre Chaser
Rated Rookies - I'm obsessed!

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