I am easily distracted, I admit it.
After Time Warner Cable called my bluff (during a heated standoff in regards to the NFL Network and why I deserve to have it for free...) I lost my wireless internet......plus it's summer and from what I hear that is a rare thing in the frozen tundra and I should milk it for all it's worth...
My days have been filled with bikinis, roadies to Montreal, free agency related freak outs, good times on the red and, of course, a good ole Tony Danza here and there..
However, the two most important sports in the world, Tackle Football and Hockey, are almost back. Which means I will once again need this blog to pour my over enthusiasm and extreme uninformed bias into.
Faking a Roughing will be taking a slightly different direction. Less of the girlie 'buy-me-stuff' schtick and more sports related content....with all the same under-dressed/over-enthusiastic Aries charm, natch.
Plus, my new Sabres jersey should make me a shoo-in to get on
Sick Jersey, Bro.
Trust me, it's pretty sad.
favorites links, as of today, and as always...
Ballers with RandomsLOL Jocks7th Floor BlogMaine Hockey JournalSabre ChaserRated Rookies - I'm obsessed!