Monday, May 18, 2009

Just some nonesense

All of us learn to write in the second grade. Most of us go on to greater things. - Bobby Knight

-Bobby Knight is my new life coach. I really need to get motivated...or else get hit with a chair...I suppose if Bobby isn't up for the job I can always call up the Ducks GM..

-I am still tenting my fingers and laughing evilly at the fact that Jeff Garcia is a Raider. Bah hah HAH! It's like they want to fail.

-I am getting the Tin Foil Man (as seen in the Old Port) to make me a tinfoil Heisman Trophy. Try not to be too jealous, it's not becoming.

-Drunken bar interviews with Colorado State players have occured.

-In the "Rossiters in Sports" category, I will be following Siena and Davidson NCAA Basketball next season.

-p.s. if anyone can get me a Kyle Rossiter hockey jersey..I will be forever indebted to you. I NEED one.

-I love Michael Phelps now. I could care less about swimming but I love threesomes and strippers. He needs to bring a confidentiality contract with him every time he goes out though, sort of the that Chapelle's Show sketch...

-My Bucs scare me. I can't even discuss it. It makes me reach for the Xanax.

More actual content later...once I get my wireless fixed.

Beijinhos Beijinhos Tchau Tchau!

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